Quotation Explorer - 'M. James Airey'

Entrepreneur, noun: someone who takes calculated risks to add value to wider society with the hope of making money and building wealth - M. James Airey
Most important jobs of a parent: unconditional love, comfort and protection, and a solid platform and values for future success - M. James Airey
The only time someone fails in life is when they fail to try at all - M. James Airey
No if's, but's or maybe's. It's all or nothing. You're either going to soar to new heights or crash and burn. Why live by any other philosophy. - M. James Airey
Every morning and every night, I pause for just a minute and express my gratitude for all that I have in my life and all that I have experienced. - M. James Airey
We came from nothing, we'll leave with nothing; might as well make the most of the brief somethingness in between - M. James Airey
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